Why We Call Cleaning Jobs "Clients" Not Customers

Want to know why we call cleaning jobs "clients" not customers? Many house cleaners call them accounts, jobs, houses or cleans.

At Savvy Cleaner Training, we teach residential cleaning techs to call jobs clients not customers. There is mutual respect and a professional perception that comes with titles or labels.

Customers behave like clients when you refer to them as such and maids are frugal with their time if they see a job as billable hours.

Speaking of billable hours, you can track them in the background of your business with https://housecallpro.com/Angela

Today's #AskaHouseCleaner sponsors are Savvy Cleaner Training for house cleaners and maids. And Housecall Pro (The premiere scheduling software for service providers.)

#AngelaBrown #SavvyCleaner


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