
Showing posts from December, 2018

Love to Clean and Proud to be a House Cleaner

"But you love to clean." I hear it all the time, people assume I love to clean. Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and I'm proud to be a house cleaner. I clean my space and I'm good at cleaning. I might even clean with passion. And I clean on purpose, but I don't enjoy cleaning. Yes, I use cleaning motivation when housecleaning so I can get it done and go do something fun. Cleaning fast, cleaning efficiently are techniques I use. Sure. So, why be a cleaning lady? #Cleaning are the talents God gave me and I live every day to make the most of it. Anyone can learn to clean but not everyone loves to clean. In either case, you can enjoy the journey. Today's #AskaHouseCleaner sponsor is Savvy Cleaner (Training and certification for house cleaners and maids.) And HouseCleaning360 (a hub that partners house cleaners and homeowners.) *** COMPLETE SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE ***

How to Use the House Cleaner Mulligan to Get More Referrals

How to use the house cleaner mulligan to get more referrals is a house cleaning FAQ. Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says play the mulligan game every week. This is when you exceed customer expectations and go the extra mile in your housecleaning. The customer says clean my space, but they only pay the maid service for so much time. So, when you have a change to do a #mulligan it's like doing a good deed beyond your housekeeper salary. And we know excellent #CustomerService makes customers talk. Word of mouth referrals is the result and the house cleaner mulligan is the way to get those referrals. Today's #AskaHouseCleaner sponsors are Savvy Cleaner. (Training and certification for house cleaners and maids.) And Savvy Perks (a way for you to give a mulligan to your cleaning team.) *** COMPLETE SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE ***

Vacation Rental - What's Under Your Kitchen Sink?

Vacation rental - what's under your kitchen sink? Vacation rental cleaning usually involves a turnover service. But if guests want to tidy up? Do they have the cleaning supplies they need under your kitchen sink? Every #VacationRental, AirBnB, VRBO or Short-term rental needs a clean-up kit under your kitchen sink. In today's #AskaHouseCleaner, Angela Brown shows you how to organize under your kitchen sink. Learn staging and restocking tips for guests DIY cleaning. Guests clean up when they have the right stuff. Today's sponsors are Savvy Cleaner (Training and certification for house cleaners and maids.) And #TurnoverCleaningTips (Airbnb cleaning resources.)

5 Easy After the Holiday Clean-Up Tips - End of Year Cleaning

These 5 easy after the holiday clean-up tips will get your new year off to a clean start. While undecorating after the holidays it's a great time organize your space as you declutter and tidy up your home. If you know these 5 easy after the holiday clean-up tips you can plan for them as put decorations away, and schedule your end of year cleaning. Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru gives DIY cleaning tips for regifting, and appliance cleaning. Carpet cleaning and deep cleaning may need a professional but you can unclutter and organize your closets as you go.