Love to Clean and Proud to be a House Cleaner

"But you love to clean." I hear it all the time, people assume I love to clean.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and I'm proud to be a house cleaner. I clean my space and I'm good at cleaning. I might even clean with passion. And I clean on purpose, but I don't enjoy cleaning. Yes, I use cleaning motivation when housecleaning so I can get it done and go do something fun. Cleaning fast, cleaning efficiently are techniques I use. Sure.

So, why be a cleaning lady? #Cleaning are the talents God gave me and I live every day to make the most of it.
Anyone can learn to clean but not everyone loves to clean. In either case, you can enjoy the journey.

Today's #AskaHouseCleaner sponsor is Savvy Cleaner (Training and certification for house cleaners and maids.) And HouseCleaning360 (a hub that partners house cleaners and homeowners.)



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